With the potential announcement of a remastered Mass Effect Trilogy on the horizon, players may be interested in revisiting the games, including its somewhat less popular spin-off, Mass Effect: Andromeda . Andromeda is a more open world RPG experience, allowing players to explore the planets in the Heleus cluster of the Andromeda Galaxy in search of a viable place for humans to populate. Where the original trilogy took a darker and more serious tone, Andromeda attempts to lighten the mood and focus on the fun of space exploration.

Like many of BioWare's games, players can continue their save file following the end of the main campaign of Andromeda. While it is helpful to finish most of the side missions and loyalty missions prior to the end of the game to help players succeed in the main campaign's endgame, the majority of the game can still be completed after finishing the main storyline. With that in mind, here are the five best things players can do after beating Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Best Things to Do After Beating Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect Andromeda - Jump-Jet

Mass Effect: Andromeda takes place in a giant open world with so many side missions to complete. Players do not need to finish all of these to continue the main story, so it is likely there will be more to do following the end of the game. With so much content left after beating the game, here are the five best things for players to do if they aren't ready to leave the Andromeda Galaxy.

Install Mods

Modders have made it possible to enjoy games long past the first playthrough. Mods allow players to add new experiences and cosmetic effects to their games. Upon beating the "vanilla" version of Mass Effect: Andromeda, players may want to install mods to experience the game in a new way. Some of the top mods for the game include MEA Fixpack by Nightwolf5203, which includes a series of bug fixes for the game, Shorter Landing and Departure Cinematics by Forkinator to make takeoff and landing happen more quickly, Romance for All by Atherisz, which removes gender restrictions on romance options and lets players engage in multiple romances, and Massively Increased Inventory Size by DrPavlov, which allows players to carry as much loot as they want.

Players can experiment with modding upon finishing the main campaign to keep the game feeling fresher longer and tell a new story.

Enjoy Multiplayer

The DLC for Mass Effect: Andromeda is primarily a multiplayer co-op protecting the Andromeda Initiative's interests. Players can choose to experience the game as either a Turian Soldier, Salarian Infiltrator, Krogan Vanguard, or Asari Adept. The multiplayer DLC does not affect the main story apart from possibly earning players a few achievements and rewards, but it can be a way to continue enjoying the game at the conclusion of the main campaign.

Complete Loyalty Missions and Side Missions

Sara Ryder and Jaal Ama Darav romance from Mass Effect Andromeda

While it's generally a good idea to finish companion loyalty missions and side missions prior to the end of the campaign, players can return to any part of the galaxy and complete any lingering quests after they finish the main story. Save a few quests that get blocked off following completion of certain story missions, most of the rest of the game remains open at the end.

Start Again with a New Character

If players are not yet ready to leave the Andromeda Galaxy but have done all there is to do in a single game, they can always start a new game with a new character build and experience a different combat style. Because the game also relies on choices, the new character could make different choices. This could include romancing a new character, making different choices during conversations, and making opposite plot-affecting decisions from those in the first playthrough. Players can even experiment with a different difficulty level.

Increase Every Planet's Viability

While it is not certain when there will be another addition to the Mass Effect series, let alone another entry in the Andromeda story, it is a good idea for players to ensure every planet in the game is 100% viable after beating the main campaign. This could affect a player's experiences in Mass Effect 5. However, more importantly, reaching 100% viability triggers some cut scenes and extra dialogue that's worth finding.

To increase every planet's viability to 100%, players need to eliminate threats, make repairs and allies, and generally complete all the planet-specific side missions.

Next: Mass Effect: Andromeda: All 10 Romance Options For Ryder

Mass Effect: Andromeda is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.