Ewok Funny Why Does Everyone Hate Me

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  1. Im just curious why do some people hate the Ewoks? personally i thought they were cute and they didnt bother me!
  2. no clue. I think they are adorable [face_love]
  3. How could anyone hate them they are so cute!
  4. The same people that hate the ewoks are the same who didnĂ‚´t like Episode 1 because its so-called "childish aspect"
  5. I've never seen so many love-face emoticons in my life. I feel like I just walked into the pink aisle at a toy store.
  6. no clue. How can anyone hate such adorable creatures?! There is a Lego Star Wars digital video of the Ewoks.. I think it is called Ewok Attack at www.lego.com/starwars/products.asp in the screening room. That is my favorite video.
  7. I don't hate the Ewoks. They're great.

    They're cute. They're fuzzy. They're low-fat and high in protein. They make great throw rugs. Their pelts are warm in cold winters. I have an ewok-hide blanket which I break out on cold January/February nights...

  8. Factually incorrect and with profanity! You might want to edit that.
  9. People hate them because they are cute, fuzzy, loveable, adorable little bastards that deserve to die!!!
  10. I love the Ewoks!! Always have since I frist saw them back in the '80's.
  11. Well im glad to see that so many people do like them!!! :D
  12. i really hate them because they ruined what would otherwise have been my favourite movie of the ot :mad:

    i want to commandeer a scout walker and kill them all :p

  13. i can ease the pain a bit reaper
    just wastch that scene where those two ewoks get shot over and over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and overand over and over

    i actually dont have a problem with them. it adds some salt to the wound of the empire. expensive trooper defeated by some ewoks.

  14. I think I know why.Because they suck as Warriors and yet they beat 1,000 of the Empires finest Stormtroopers.People would have rather seen Kashyyyk as the planet Return of th Jedi focused on and watch a bunch of Wookies fighting the Empire.
  15. ROTJ really turned into a kiddie film with the additions of the ewoks. Instead of focusing on the major conflict with the Empire, ROTJ goes into a little sub-plot about the Ewok tribe which no one cares about.

    TPM suffered from some similiar kiddie elements.

    That's why ANH, ESB, and AOTC are usually the top 3 favorites among fans.

  16. People would have rather seen Kashyyyk as the planet Return of th Jedi focused on and watch a bunch of Wookies fighting the Empire.

    Yes except that wouldn't have exactly worked now would it? Wookies are highly adaptable and techno-savvy. That's why the ewoks were created... and it would've cost too much to make a ton of Wookie costumes.

    I love the Ewoks. They are adorable. For years I loved ROTJ because I loved the Ewoks. Now I love it for the Luke/Vader conflict/redemption.

  17. I love the Ewoks, they are so cute and besides without them how would a tiny team of Rebels been able to beat the stormtroopers on Endor?
  18. So, it seems the only real way to defend Ewoks in here is to say "they're cute". That's not much of a defense. I bet the chicks in the Manson family thought ol' Chuck Manson was "cute".

    Why don't I like the Ewoks?

    1. Cute/cuddly obvious merchandising ploy.
    2. Teddy-bears with sticks defeat Emperor's "best troops" that probably helped to wipe out the Jedi order???!!!
    3. Eyes don't blink, mouths don't really move, and I think I saw a zipper or two.
    4. Lucas exploits the little people again!
    5. Wookies ripping Stormtrooper's arms out of their sockets would've been waaaay cooler!


  19. The only reason SOME people would dislike the Ewoks are that they are "childish".

    Though, there were probally more fans than haters... Just look at the Ewok Cartoons and movies!

  20. I love the ewoks!

    And I HATE the part when the one ewok gets shot and dies. Always made me cry when I was little. :_|

    I think the ewoks are cute, and at a lot of humor. :) And their little war cries and words and everything are so adorable!

    I DO however think it is extrememly stupid that the Ewok tribe is able to defeat soooo many storm troopers/scout troopers with spears, rocks, logs, and such. Their only istory with fighting would be with the native creatures on The forrest moon, right? How ever to they manage to even get enough courage to fight AT-STs???

    It compelte demeans the storm troopers even further. I mean, we thought they were dumb in ANH and ESB, but give me a break. sigh. oh, well. That is my only complaint about the ewoks.

    Meechoo che donno moktok.


  21. The Ewoks don't bother me, and they didn't ruin ROTJ. It's pretty hypocritical of people to bash them because their cute. Like the Jawas and Yoda aren't cute-looking? The Ewoks didn't turn ROTJ into a kid's film. Every SW film has elements for both kids and adults.

    And I really get tired of hearing people saying that the Ewoks are marketing toys, Lucas just simply wanted to introduce something new to the series.

  22. They might look cute but those small beasts planned on eating the heros....including R2 (I can't imagine how he would taste... not even if barbacued)
  23. "Like the Jawas and Yoda aren't cute-looking?"

    You've got a very good point there.

    I love the ewoks. I don't think there cute though but cool. Just as the jawas are cool. And Yoda.

    All their gadgets that make the imperials die are ingenious I think. And a planet full of growling wookies may have been silly to see on screen, I don't know. This made it more exciting.

    But the scene with the dying ewok was a little too much I think. Why didn't they do a long scene when one of the rebels die in the beginning of ANH? Well, because that would have been silly of course so why did they do this scene? Beats me. Probably because most people think they're cute and associate them with children and therefore care a lot more for one of them than one of the rebel soldiers.......or something.

    I don't know, I'm just happy to be here.

  24. The reason people don't like the Ewoks is specifically because they are cute, sweet and cuddly. There is no way that the ewoks should ever have beaten storm troopers. The gungans only won against droid troops because of an accidental shot by a cutesy kid, and they had weapons and energy shields. The ewok victory was a little too far fetched, so there is much hatred toward them.
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Source: https://boards.theforce.net/threads/why-do-some-people-hate-the-ewoks.8008157/

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